That’s right! Veeptopus is going to be at this year’s Politicon in downtown Los Angeles selling books, prints, posters, and T-shirts.
What’s Politicon, you might ask? It’s basically Comic Con for news junkies - definitely the sort of place for people who might want what to buy cephalopod-bedecked portraits of vice presidents. I sold my wares there back in the summer of 2016. Here were my impressions then:
I had no idea what to expect what it would be like. I feared that I would be crammed in the corner, next to the anti-circumcision stall, getting snarled at by stark raving Trump supporters. But I was pleasantly surprised.
The crowd was generally speaking open and good-humored, filled with socially-minded college kids, aging hippies, Bernie Bros, and one sweaty guy in a cowboy who tried to sell me the bumper stickers he had balled up in his fist. But hands down my favorite person I saw there was a budding politician – maybe fifteen, accompanied by his mother – who was dressed in a brown suit, a bowtie and a bouquet of Ted Cruz buttons on his lapel. With the same of studied polish of a pro, he shook my hand and called my art “positively joy sparking.” I wish I caught his name. I’ll probably be voting against him in a couple decades. In spite of sharp, intolerant divisions we can see on cable news and social media, Politicon left me with a sense that we aren’t quite so divided after all and that there is still general faith in the American idea.
Obviously, the political landscape now is much different than those innocent days before the 2016 election. I am very curious if the mood of the event will be as convivial as it was previously. This year they have a wide selection of speakers from Alyssa Milano to Parkland survivor Cameron Kasky to Michael Avenatti to (ugh) Tucker Carlson. Dennis Rodman is even going to be there for some reason. You can buy tickets here.
And be sure and stop by and say hi.